Friday, July 22, 2011

FINDS: Green Walls for Indoors

After I managed to turn our balcony into a little green jungle this year, I thought it might be an extra to have green walls inside as well. I mean real green walls with plants growing vertically not horizontally.

There are a couple of companies who create breathtaking green walls for inside with immense advantages for your well being and enjoyment because who would not love to have a green living wall in front of you rather than a grey concrete monster? Here are a few examples which may give your interior designs a completely new twist:

The first examples are from a company in Stockholm, Sweden, Greenworks:

image source for all above images:
Wouldn't it be exciting to work in an environment such as this? Or imagine to have a green wall in your living room so that it would not be necessary to have an additional sunroom to enjoy the feeling of an inside garden?

The following examples are from Indoorlandscaping, a German company, located now in Munich but with subsidiaries in Los Angeles and Mexico City:

 image source for above images:
And here are some more examples from a company in England, Bio Tecture which are specifically charming:

 image source for above images:



K&B by the Sea said...

I love living walls - you've put together a great collection of inspiration pictures :-) I wonder if they moisture from the wall effects the surfaces around it.

Thanks for the tip about putting lavender in the garden to get bumble bees & butterflies :-)

Mary Leslie said...

This is really cool, I initially loved the contained one in the white frame - but I also love that each wall just got bigger and bigger.

link building affiliate program said...

If you were to go back in time, before any city or agricultural land was developed what you would find is an ecosystem that is very diverse, containing many different plants and animal species. Just like this.

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